Since the beginning of the year, one hundred and forty thousand refugees, most Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans, cross the border of Serbia and go to Hungary, then they go to other parts of Europe. What is certainly increasing the flood of immigration into Europe refers to the wrong policies of the West in the face of extremist terrorists in the Middle East, such as ISIS and their like-minded groups.
If you want to look deeper, centuries-old policies of the imperialist West and the Great Powers led the crisis central zone (Southwest Asia and North Africa) to economic and social poverty and its result is nothing more than increasing extremism, violence, and backwardness. Especially the performance of centuries-old European colonial powers in Asia and Africa, plundering the wealth of this continent, and artificial division boundaries without considering the ethnic and social status caused countless wars and violence. Refugees set off to west in large groups to have a better life and save their lives and families from the clutches of terrorists in the region supported by the West. The news says that the gateway to Europe (Greece, Hungary and Mediterranean coasts) are full of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and North Africa these days. European politicians and decision-makers seek to convert this threat into an opportunity with their proper management, although the vast majority of them consider it as a crisis to Europe. Europeans always in the international policy and the settlement of regional and global crises have been weak and actually had nothing to say. Therefore, by intelligent management of this crisis can upgrade their face in crisis management and show a human face to the world and by targeted actions to refugees influence in the community of origin of refugees in the future.
In addition, due to the critical situation of Europe in the next ten years to employ the labor force and population aging and its consequences, Europeans with an open door policy and flexible labor markets can use the migration crisis as an opportunity to attract talented work forces, boost productivity and contribute to economic growth.
As the defeated Germany after World War II took most of foreign workers, especially migrant Turks or America in the early twentieth century with the same approach took massive wave of mostly European immigrants, they can achieve the biggest beneficiaries.
What is certain in the case of the extremism growth in the region is that the West had a significant supporting role and now the West imagines that it can save itself from scandal of support for Terrorism in West Asia and North Africa by welcoming immigrants and refugees from the war on terror. Although it seems that, it is an incorrect imaginary.